The purpose of Ropecon is to promote, build up and improve roleplaying -, collectible card gaming-, boardgaming- and miniaturegaming in Finland. To realise its purpose, the association organises roleplaying convention Ropecon every summer. It's the largest non-commercial roleplaying convention in Europe with more than 3000 visitors each year. It's a three day convention held in late June or early August in Dipoli conference center in Espoo. Ropecon offers different programs and activities covering the role-playing game field including, not only both tabletop and larp, but also board games, miniatures and collectible card games. The program contains games, tournaments, lectures, panels and workshops. In order to support the event, the association collects an entrance fee from the visitors.
Ropecon 2015 will be held earlier than usually, from 15th to 17th of May.
The association uses the profit it gets from the events to support projects in the Finnish roleplaying scene. It has also organised events to beginners and held international live-action roleplaying conferences. It has also supported financially different kinds of roleplaying events, larps, conventions and gatherings, published one roleplaying book and two academic books about roleplaying and borrows its walkie-talkies and other belongings to different kinds of roleplaying events for free.
Members of Ropecon are six big finnish roleplaying organisations: Live-action roleplayer's association SuoLi, Helsinki university roleplaying club Alter Ego, Aalto University roleplaying club ORC, history re-enactment and live-action roleplaying group Harmaasudet, The Role and Strategy Game Association of Southern-Finland ESRSPY and national boardgaming association Suomen Lautapeliseura.
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