What is Konsti?
At Ropecon, you can register for tabletop role-playing games, larps, tournaments, workshops and some of the Experience point games with the Konsti app.
Konsti can be used with your own mobile device or computer, as well as with devices offered by the Larp & RPG Desk and the Gaming Desk.
Using the application requires a password-protected user account. The accounts from previous years are no longer valid. You can register a new user account with a code that you’ll get from the Larp & RPG Desk, the Gaming Desk or the Info Desk.
Keep the code safe as it may be needed later if you forget your password.
Signing up for the games open at different times and you can see the sign-up starting times from Konsti. Approximate times can be found in Konsti help page.
Larps, tournaments, workshops, Experience point
After signing up opens, places will be filled in sign-up order. If you can’t participate, remember to cancel your sign up.
Tabletop RPGs
Signing up is done through a lottery and the remaining places will be filled in sign-up order. You can choose three of your favorite games for each start time. We encourage you to consider choosing multiple games for each time slot.
Do not hesitate to contact the Larp & RPG Desk and the Gaming Desk if you have any questions about Konsti!